Found computers in 1986 (or thereabouts), never looked back. Is the sort of person who, when he comes up with a name or description that he likes, will save it until he finds or makes something he can use it on.
- The idea of being JustaProgrammer.
- Emulation (mainly of console systems).
- Figuring out how things work (and why).
- Dabbling in OS programming.
- Working with embedded devices.
- Spending money.
- RecursiveMakeConsideredHarmful.
- ThePragmaticProgrammer.
- SoftwareThatDoesntSuck (still trying to find some).
- GnuMake.
- LWM (see MinimalLinuxUserInterfaces). Smaller than xclock, more usable than KDE, there are only 2-3 things I would change, and they aren't worth the trouble yet.
- The GNU GeneralPublicVirus.
- C++ (not merely evil, it is NoBadAndWrong).
- Commuting to work (at about 3 hours per day).
- Large code bases that he has to work with but can't make major changes to.
- Editing HTML code by hand (one of these days I'll write some scripts to do the dirty work for me...).
- WYSIWYG HTML editors.
- Configuring a Linux kernel (it is hell compared to configuring a FreeBsd kernel, and I doubt anyone will fix it).
- SoftwareThatSucks.
- GnuMake (I love it, I hate it, see the page for why).
Responding to your question on TestingByPokingAround... If you want to "play around" with the SmalltalkLanguage, you could try SqueakSmalltalk.
True, but I'd much rather "play around" with the VirtualMachine. And since Squeak already has a working one, that's nowhere near as much fun.
Alastair, regarding your question in CeeUnitTesting, how would I contact you to provide any information?
My email address is currently
Hello Alastair, I only just realized you were you, if you see what I mean: It seems out paths have crossed before! Though I only noticed it when having a look at your own wiki after looking at your NetBsd booters and putting two and two together...