Alain Farmer

last modified: June 19, 2004

I am a new member of this group.

My name is Alain Farmer. As you may have already guessed by my bilingual name, I'm fluently bilingual. I'm familiar with the following programming languages: Z80 Assembler, BASIC, Pascal, Turing, JavaScript, Perl, AppleScript, HyperTalk and MetaTalk. Notice the progression going from 'hard' programming (2nd and 3rd generation languages) to 4th generation *scripting* languages that are embedded into a user-friendly IDE. I am also a proficient *coder* : HTML, CSS, XML, XSL, DTML (Zope), PHP, etc. One of my specialities is scripting user-friendly wares that generate web pages (CGI, regenerate a web site all at once, etc). Code that writes code that writes code, if you get my meaning.

I am a doctoral student in Communication at UQAM. My research involves web-based communication and collaboration and, more specifically, communities of practice which are focused on open-source development - technically, culturally as well as socio-politically. My particular focus is on non-directive models of self-organization and socio-constructive learning (self-learn in pairs and in groups). This is why I am very excited about ExtremeProgramming.

My goals right now are (1)to become familiar with knowledge and vocabulary of XP; (2) to observe your group in action; (3) to interview one or more of the group's participants in order to get an insider-view of XP, e.g. to understand XP as its members see it; (4) to create a riveting account of XP for the purposes of my studies and allow the group to publish it as they see fit, e.g. conscientiser, publicize, promote, inform, etc; (5) to eventually create educational materials (docs and wares) to help XP coaches; (6) to adapt XP to web-based communities of practice, e.g. open-source development teams, pedagogical development teams, etc.

This research and development will be conducted ethically. The results of this R&D will be shared fully-and-completely with the XP community. The above projects are motivated by humanist principles, including freedom and access. They will be made available to all, for free; or, more precisely, the portions of R&D that members of the XP group will have consented to publishing, given that I intend to respect the right to privacy (and so on) of those who will graciously accept to help me with this.

Academic Qualifications:


Welcome! If you haven't yet, check out NewUserPages and TourBusStop.

Thank you for the tips. -- Alain Farmer

What does "conscientiser" mean?

"conscientiser" is a French word that roughly means "to make people aware of ..." but also connotes "informing citizens, to empower them to act, and do the right thing when they do". Yup! All of that in ONE word! -- Alain Farmer

