ICSE '2002 was held in Orlando between May 19-23.
AgileMethods were a recurring theme at the conference. The topic stirred much discussion. The majority of the delegates maintained a neutral, mildly cautious position. A few expressed anti-agile sentiments, while a smaller minority championed agile practices.
Featured events pertaining to agile methods were:
- JamesNewkirk's tutorial Introduction to Agile Processes and Extreme Programming;
- MartinFowler's tutorial on ReFactoring;
- IcseWorkshopOnIterativeAdaptiveAndAgileProcesses, organized by CraigLarman and FrancisPaulish
- Panel entitled Lightweight or Heavyweight Processes: Is This Even the Right Question?, organized by Leon Osterweil, with panelists PhilippeKruchten, MartinFowler, BarryBoehm, and WilhelmSchafer;
- Experience report by AmrElssamadisy and GregorySchalliol titled Recognizing Bad Smells in ExtremeProgramming, which was on nine anti-patterns from a large XP project and suggested solutions;
- Segment in Tutorial on Software Engineering Economics on value creation with agile practices, given by HakanErdogmus;
- Four position papers at the Workshop on Economics-Driven Software Engineering Research (EDSER): two papers were on economic analysis of pair programming (one by LaurieWilliams and HakanErdogmus, another by FrankPadberg and MathiasMuller), one paper was on economics of agile methods (JohnFavaro and HakanErdogmus), and one paper was a survey on adoption of AgileMethods with lessons learned (DonReifer); BarryBoehm gave the AgileManifesto as an example during a session on ValueBasedSoftwareEngineering;
- Two commentaries in the daily conference newsletter WOW, one by JasonHallstrom titled Extreme Nonsense: A Commentary and another by HakanErdogmus titled ExtremeReactionCounterCommentary.
See IcseTwoThousandTwoViewpointsOnAgileMethods for representative viewpoints expressed by some of the delegates.
- ICSE '2002 site: http://www.icse-conferences.org/2002/
- EDSER (includes submitted position papers): http://www.edser.org
Page created June 24, 2002 by HakanErdogmus
CategoryCongress; CategoryAgileMethodology