Agile Atlanta User Group

last modified: October 19, 2004

If you are in AtlantaGeorgia and are interested in AgileMethods, please join the mailing list.

Group name: agile-atlanta

Group home page:

Group email:

Agile Atlanta ( was founded in May 2001 as XP Atlanta. The group never was strictly about XP, and so they renamed themselves in October 2004.

Here are some notable points in our history:

The group's first meeting was held June 12, 2001 :

Our Jan 2, 2002 meeting was a presentation by special guest FredGeorge. Great Objects -- Cornerstone for Successful XP Projects.

Our guest speaker for our May 7th, 2002 meeting was MartinFowler. More than 220 Atlanta area engineers registered for this special event. The talk was interesting and entertaining. Mr. Fowler discussed the contents of his upcoming book PatternsOfEnterpriseApplicationArchitecture, focusing upon the use of three-tier layering and the trade-offs between the TransactionScript, DomainModel, and TableModule patterns. He introduced us to the word POJO (PlainOldJavaObject). There wasn't much about XP though.

We've also had great talks by UncleBob, LowellLindstrom, LukeHohmann, MaryPoppendieck, Pragmatic DaveThomas, AlistairCockburn, and JimHighsmith.

