Per ScottAmbler's TestDrivenDevelopment survey, at , only 1 in 5 projects that call themselves "Agile" actually use TDD. When you hear "Agile" these days, you have 80% odds that...
- "We use Scrum, and a Scrum of Scrums. Any team is able to vote any member off their team at any standup!" (and our HighTurnoverRate has Nothing to do with this silly policy!)
- "We use 'AgileSoftwareDevelopment', because we never document anything... "
- "We RefactorMercilessly, but without those silly UnitTests to slow us down... "
- "And we would use PairProgramming if we had enough resources... "
- "And you can use ContinuousIntegration into your own private CodeFork... "
- "Our ChiefSoftwareArchitect merges all the code from all the forks together once a month... " (So we take a week "off" for the ensuing IntegrationHell)
- "And" she or he "works at a SustainablePace... "