Advanced Cee Plus Plus Programming Styles And Idioms

last modified: November 18, 2012

Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms By JamesCoplien

ISBN: 0201548550

"Assuming a background in C++ basics, this book helps programmers to develop their programming expertise by giving a feel for the styles and idioms of the language." -- Book News Inc.

"The rules, conventions, and concepts of programming drive the structure of the systems we build: They give us a model of how to build systems. A model for problem decomposition and system composition is a paradigm, a pattern for dividing the world into manageable parts. C++ is a multiparadigm language. C programmers use C++ as a better C. Object-oriented advocates do everything polymorphically. In fact, a variety of approaches is usually necessary to express the solution to a software problem efficiently and elegantly."-- Inside Flap


See also JimCoplien for the main page about the author.

CategoryBook CategoryCpp CategoryIdiom
