Adrian Midgley

last modified: June 18, 2004

Doctor in the UK. I like Wikis as a work-group tool for medical organizations - it is fair to say that the administration of our local health service dislikes them for very similar reasons. A very good idea, well done that man.

I have a newish Wiki at and our local Linux User Group has one at

One of my interests is in the introduction of Open Source software into healthcare (FLOSS) - proprietary software and the model that develops and supports it have already proved inadequate.

Open Source Healthcare Alliance is at

Small world: I wonder how many other UkCrypto followers there are here?

I finally read your bit about defoaming the net (I had wondered where the name came from). Have you considered the metaphorical difference between open and closed cell foams? Some foams can be useful, for example aluminium foam. -- MatthewAstley

