Adrian Campbell

last modified: January 31, 2005

Since working with IBM's Information Framework, I have been frequently involved in software process improvement work, typically introducing UML and Rational Unified Process (RUP). Clients have asked me to customise RUP to include Business Process Modelling and add a new distinct Architecture discipline. The result is much more of an architecture driven, service and component based development approach than the generic OO best practice approach described in the base version of RUP.

In the meantime, there has been growing interest and demand for Enterprise Architecture and my skills with Zachman and IBM's IFW are being used again in the UK and the EU. This time I'm defining an Enterprise Architecture framework for the European Central Bank. I have taken TOGAF as the basis for the framework and the architecture development process, with some content adapted from the Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF). The enterprise processes in the framework are mapped overall to the COBIT IT Management processes, with the COBIT process realised by links to TOGAF processes at the governance level, a RUP/CBD style system development process and to ITIL at the solution level.

I have also used ideas from Roger Evernden's book 'Information First'. Instead of just using a Zachman style 2 dimensional matrix, I have defined a framework with multiple dimensions, one of which is based on the RUP 'hump' matrix.

The framework can be navigated with several matrices:

- Levels of Abstraction v. Architecture Models (based on Zachman)
- Phases v. Architecture Models
- Roles v. Architecture Models 
- Disciplines v. Phases (based on RUP)
- Strategy Types v. Architecture Models 
- Views v. Architecture Models 
- Process Framework

However, there is also a simple high level framework diagram which is enough complexity for most users. I am writing down my ideas and proposals in a 'Enterprise Architecture' book and a companion web site.


