This is part of JavaUnitTestChallengeSolved. -- DonWells
When I saw that the one put and ten take test had failed, I thought that this test should also have failed. I am thinking that perhaps it has to do with the threads dying after 5 inputs or outputs. So I can just go ahead and change the take threads so that they all stay alive during the whole test.
public class TwentyThreadsTogether extends Test {
public BoundedBuffer buffer;
public PutThread putThreads [];
public TakeThread takeThreads [];
public void setUp(){
buffer = new BoundedBuffer();
putThreads = new PutThread [10];
takeThreads = new TakeThread [10];
for (int each = 0; each < 10; each++) {
putThreads[each] = new PutThread(buffer);
takeThreads[each] = new TakeThread(buffer, 50);},;},
public void tearDown(){
public void runTest (){
for (int each = 0; each < 10; each++) {
for (int each = 0; each < 10; each++) {
should(TakeThread.outputLength() == 50, "output was too short");
should(TakeThread.doesOuputHaveTenOf("a"), "should get ten a");
should(TakeThread.doesOuputHaveTenOf("b"), "should get ten b");
should(TakeThread.doesOuputHaveTenOf("c"), "should get ten c");
should(TakeThread.doesOuputHaveTenOf("d"), "should get ten d");
should(TakeThread.doesOuputHaveTenOf("e"), "should get ten e");},
public void waitForPutToFinish(){
try {
for (int each = 0; each < 10; each++) {
catch (InterruptedException exception) {},;},
This test fails now.
Interesting thing though. Sometimes it fails in a different way. Every so often it completely deadlocks.
And every so often it will in fact pass.
What I can do for this is ExtendTheJavaTestFrameworkForNondeterminism.