What, in a general way, is Action Research?
Components include:
- Learning from each other by working together
- working toward common goals
- contributing our specific areas of expertise
- continuous improvement through introspection
Here is a link to a technical explanation of the history of action research:
When does it make sense to use Action Research Methodology?
- Whenever a Team is committed to excellence.
In what environment is the most appropriate application of this Methodology?
Why is this important? What business need does Action Research address?
What does an individual, team or organization gain by adopting Action Research Methodology?
In utilizing Action Research Methodology, the Corporate Ecosystem is automatically continuously incorporating and aggressively sharing new tools, intellectual property, processes and practices as the business evolves.
The profusion of knowledge sharing and high level conversations for action inherent in the Action Research Model causes organizational transformation to occur as products, services and experiences are being developed.
Where can I learn more about this?
- Bob Dick is a mine of information: http://www.scu.edu.au/schools/gcm/ar/arhome.html
- http://www.bath.ac.uk/~edsajw/
- http://www.links2go.com/topic/Action_Research
- http://www.cudenver.edu./~mryder/itc/act_res.html research links
- http://www.mcb.co.uk/services/conferen/nov95/ifal/paper1.htm research paper
- Arian Ward's Ethnovention is an example of AR: http://www.co-i-l.com/coil/knowledge-garden/kd/ethnovention.shtml
Where can I learn about action research in education?
- Another reference from Bob Dick: http://www.mcb.co.uk/imc/coursewa/doctoral/bobda.htm
BobDick SouthernCrossUniversity