About Creativity

last modified: August 31, 2006

The Creative Process


Joseph Wallas (1926)

Joseph Rossman (1931)

Osborn (1953)

Taylor (1959)

Wallas's four stages + five levels:

Morris Stein (1967, 1974)

Three stages:

Guilford (1950, 1957, 1959)

Koestler (1964)

Sources: Arieti (1976)

WEB Sites

The Creative Advantage Newsletter - http://www.demon.co.uk/advantage/create/index.htm


Arieti (1976: Silvano Arieti, Creativity - the Magic Synthesis, Basic Books, Inc. Publishers, New York, ISBN: 0-01444-5, 1976

Barron (1997): Frank Barron et al. (Ed.), Creators on Creating - Awakening and Cultivating the Imaginative Mind, ISBN: 0-87477-854-9 , G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1997

J.Daniel Couger (1996): Creativity and innovation in information systems organizations; Boyd&Fraser Publishing Company; ISBN: 0-7895-0109-0

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1996): Creativity - flow and the psychology of Discovery and Invention, HarperCollins Publishers, ISBN: 0-06-092820-4 , 1996

Subrata Dasgupta (1996): Technology and Creativity; Oxford University Press; ISBN: 0-19-509688-6 , 1996

Ghislein (1952): Ed. Brewster Ghiselin, The Creative Process, Mentor, 1952.

Harmon (1984): Willis Harmon and Howard Rheingold, Higher Creativity - Liberating the Unconscious for Breaktthrough Insights, Tarcher, St. Martins Press, New York, ISBN: 0-87477-293-1 , 1984.

Henry (1991): Ed. Jane Henry, Creative Management, SAGE Publications, ISBN: 0-8039-8490-1 , 1991.

Jill Morris (1992): Creative Breakthroughs: Tap the Power of Your Unconscious Mind, Warner Books, ISBN: 0-446-39217-0 , 1992.

Paul E. Plesk (1997): Creativity, Innovation and Quality, ASQC Quality Press, ISB 0-87389-404-9
